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You will share the boat with other crew members
per spot
Book the full boat
If you are a large group you can book the boat just for you.
Option not available
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Payment method
Credit or debit card
Immediate booking through TPV online insurance REDSYS
Bank transfer
Your spot will be blocked for 48 hours so you have time to make the transfer.
Restricted Radio Operator Course of the SMSSM in Valencia
Restricted Radio Operator Course of the SMSSM in Valencia
With Hugo
Place Valencia, Spain
Dates Start: 13 May. MTWThFSa from 08:00 to 15:00
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Your secure payment with Sailwiz
  • Sailwiz will process your payment online.
  • We will retain the amount as a security measure to ensure that the activity is carried out properly.
  • The skipper will not receive the funds until the end of the activity.