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Desde 900€ por persona
Desde 900 € /persona

Curso ofrecido por Catherine

6 días
Disponible en Español, Inglés
Starting locally in the bay, you will get a great introduction to sailing sheltered by the Rock of Gibraltar with dolphins in your wake. You return to Gibraltar after the first days sailing for a well earned drink at one of the local bars while your Instructor prepares dinner on the yacht. Half the fun is living on board the yacht and the adventure of going to new places by sea. During the week we like to cross the Straits to Africa which is always exciting and often forms part of the night sail (4 hours starting at sunset). We always overnight in marinas, which could include one of many cosmopolitan marinas on the Spanish Mediterranean coast, or in contrast the natural Costa de la Luz and soft sandy beaches of the Atlantic coast. We run Competent crew courses alongside the Skipper courses so there is an opportunity to practice towards the Day Skipper if you wish to do so. The emphasis is on enjoying yourself as well as learning and we find everyone mucks in as a team. By the end of the course you will be able to steer, handle sails, keep a lookout and assist in all the day-to-day routines. Of course there is no pressure to do a course at all so if at any time you want to just treat the week as an adventure that’s fine too.
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  • Programa
    No previous experience required. This is a fun course. You live onboard the yacht (modern Bavaria 37) sharing with others or on a private charter basis.

    A typical itinerary would be:
    Sunday meet and greet 6pm - You could arrive early and go for a Gibraltar Rock tour to see the cave and monkeys.
    Monday - Safety brief and sailing in the Bay of Gibraltar with dolphins.
    Tuesday - Sail to Africa crossing the Straits of Gibraltar.
    Wednesday - Sail to Spain leaving the Riff mountains behind and sail towards the Costa del Sol.
    Thursday - Sail to another Spanish port.
    Friday back to Gibraltar.

    You will learn to be a good crew member with:
    Sail handling
    Learning knots and their correct use: figure of eight, clove hitch, rolling hitch, bowline, round turn and two half hitches, single and double sheet bend, reef knot
    Helmsmanship and Sailing
    Rules of the Road
    Safety and Man overboard practice
    Anchoring and much more....
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Otra información
The advantages of doing your course with us:
• We have been running for 23 years and we have been sailing this area for 33 years - oldest RYA school in Gibraltar!
• The weather is warm and sunny so we can offer courses all year round.
• Interesting destinations to visit with a variety of cultures from British Gibraltar to Morocco in Africa and the best of Spain.
• If it is your first time sailing you will appreciate a safe modern yacht with an easy going experienced Instructor.
• Cheap short flights (see below) and a 10 min walk from Gibraltar airport to your yacht .

There are direct flights to Gibraltar from these U.K. airports:
• BA flies from Heathrow and Gatwick.
• Easyjet also flies from Gatwick, Manchester and Bristol.

What to bring:
Please note that stowage space on a boat is always limited. Use a soft sports type bag, which can fold flat, not hard suit cases.
Passport (European ID cards are not valid).
Euros for drinks ashore in Spain.
Cap, Sun Glasses, Sun Block factor 50, Swim suit.
Deck shoes (white soled trainers or crocs are fine too).
Good quality warm fleece. Comfortable clothes, sweat / T shirts etc
Wash Towel , the small quick drying type found in camping shops are best.
Toiletries and wash bag for visits to shower rooms
RYA logbook, you can buy online direct from the RYA or when you arrive for £10.
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Conoce a Catherine, la coordinadora
6 valoraciones En Sailwiz desde 2019
¡Hija de un marinero, casada con un marinero! En estos días me quedo en tierra y muevo yates y hago realidad los sueños de la gente.
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Pregunta a la coordinadora
Ratio de respuesta: 64%
Tiempo de respuesta: Menos de un día

Detalles del barco

2018 Rápido yate moderno y cómodo. totalmente equipado con equipos de seguridad de acuerdo con las normas RYA y MCA. 2 ruedas y bañera grande y espaciosa y plataforma de baño. Buen espacio para la cabeza abajo y cabezales eléctricos. Es un yate rápido con una buena selección de velas, incluido un spinnaker.
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  • Modelo: Bavaria Yachts - Línea azul Cruiser 37 con deportivas.
  • Capacidad (diurna): 6 plazas
  • Eslora: 11,30 m
  • Cabinas: 3
  • Año: 2018
  • Baños: 1
  • GPS
  • Chalecos salvavidas
  • VHF
  • Molinete eléctrico
  • Equipo de viento
  • Embarcación auxiliar
  • Hélice de proa
  • Ducha
  • Cañas de pescar

Información adicional

  • Gastos de amarre y fondeo
  • Comidas a bordo
  • Patrón profesional
  • Ropa de cama
  • Combustible
  • Amarres
  • Aperitivos
No incluido
  • Comidas y bebidas en tierra
  • Vuelos
Métodos de pago
  • Tarjeta de crédito/débito
  • Transferencia bancaria

4,5 · 6 valoraciones

  • Selfie
    Abril de 2024
    Me siento muy afortunada de haber encontrado a Cathy y su escuela de vela en Trafalgar. Su disponibilidad y disposición para asegurarse de que mi experiencia Day Skipper fuera satisfactoria no tienen fin. Instructores increíbles (bastante divertidos), barcos maravillosos y Gibraltar es perfecto para el viento y la experiencia.
    Gracias Cathy!!!
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    Respuesta de Catherine
    Gracias James, todos apreciaron tu energía positiva, tus sonrisas y tu disposición a ayudar y reír todo el tiempo. Espero que le sirva mucho con la calificación Day Skipper. Sin duda te recomendaré cuando me lo pidan. Gracias y mucha suerte :-)
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  • avatar
    Enero de 2024
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  • 1JAP
    Jose Antonio
    Diciembre de 2023
    Una travesía a Ceuta desde Gibraltar en una Bavaria es una experiencia única. El capitán es un crack, que sabe lo que hace y te lo hace pasar bien. Con vientos de más de 30 nudos y olas de más de 3 metros, mantuvo la calma y la seguridad a bordo en todo momento. Aprendí mucho y me divertí más. ¡Recomendable!
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    Noviembre de 2021
    People of this school have an incredible navigation experience and they transmit it by mentoring us in all the work on the boat: testing engine, planning route, triming, controling wheel and docking or undocking.
    Mi probema fue mi ingles para aprovechar la experiencia a pesar de la paciencia de Ian y la tripu.
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    Respuesta de Catherine
    Gracias Inigo,
    El professor me dicen que tu Ingles era muy bien. Mejor que su Espanol seguro ;-)
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  • avatar
    Else de Haan
    Abril de 2018
    We've enjoyed our Day skipper course very much and learned a lot from our instructor John who allowed us to make mistakes and learn from them. The straits of Gibraltar are an excellent area to test your skills and experience sailing in close proximity of large vessels. We recommend this sailing school to anyone who is seriously interested in sailing.
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  • avatar
    Pawel Ostrowski
    Marzo de 2018
    Staff highly responsive & professional. Training prepared in every aspect, starting from registration and on-boarding to yacht preparation and training on the water itself. Lots of useful, practical tips on handling the yacht & manoeuvres. I did the Day Skipper course there and can recommend the school for beginners and/or people who wish to further enhance sailing skills.
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  • 23 Jun · 6 días
    5 plazas disponibles Disponible
    900 € /persona
    3500 € /barco
  • 30 Jun · 6 días
    5 plazas disponibles Disponible
    900 € /persona
    3500 € /barco
  • 7 Jul · 6 días
    5 plazas disponibles Disponible
    900 € /persona
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Ratio de respuesta: 64%
Tiempo de respuesta: Menos de un día
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