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Sailing | steer a sailboat

Sailing, learn basic maneuvers
Would you like to sail? Now is the time! Learn the basics of sailing or new techniques with the courses we have available at Sailwiz for sailing. Without a doubt, sailing will be much more fun for you with the best nautical instructors.
Frequent questions
  • ⭐ ¿Qué es la navegación a vela?
    La navegación a vela es un tipo de navegación marítima que se realiza con una embarcación a vela y que utiliza el viento como forma de propulsión.
  • ✅ ¿Cómo elijo un curso de navegación a vela?
    A la hora de elejir un curso de navegación a vela tendrás que tener en cuenta tu nivel. En sailwiz tenemos cursos de vela de perfeccionamiento y para principiantes, donde aprenderás las nociones básicas.
  • ⚡ ¿Qué beneficios aporta la navegación a vela?
    La navegación a vela ayuda a evadirse de la rutina, renovar energías, conectar con la naturaleza, fomenta el trabajo en equipo y crea valores como el trabajo y la convivencia.
  • ???? ¿Qué ropa es adecuada para navegar a vela?
    El vestuario más adecuado es cómodo e impermeable, zapatos antideslizantes, chaqueta adecuada para la lluvia y chaleco salvavidas. En verano se aconseja llevar pantalones cortos y en invierno neopreno.
  • ✍ ¿Cuándo se realizan los cursos de navegación a vela?
    Las jornadas de navegación a vela se realizan durante todo el año. En Sailwiz tenemos una amplia oferta de cursos en diferentes zonas de la costa española.
  • ➡️ ¿Qué precio tiene una jornada de navegación a vela?
    Como puedes comprobar en Sailwiz, el precio de un curso de navegación a vela varía en función del tipo de barco y lo que esté incluído en el paquete, hay oferta adaptada a todos los bolsillos.
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  • What is sailing and how do sailboats work?

    It is a type of maritime navigation that is done with a sailboat, using the wind as a form of propulsion. Navigation has played an important role in the history of mankind. Through navigation, man went to sea in search of new worlds, civilizations, trade routes.
  • How to start sailing?

    It is a small ship so it makes us get used to the movements of the sail as soon as possible.
    They are maneuverable: at the time of direction, at wind speed or wave size.
    They are also light boats easy to assemble, since they are usually on land, the assembly and disassembly of the different elements is very simple.
  • How to learn to navigate?

    The easiest and most direct way is to attend a course. Where you will learn the concepts of sailing with expert teachers from the nautical world and with a long history.
    We explain basic concepts for sailing:
    -Barlovento: the part from where the wind comes from where I am.
    -Sotavento: Contario side where the wind comes from.
    -Four: Name of any of the 32 winds that is divided by the wind rose.
    -Arribar: Get away from the direction of the wind.
    -Ceñir: Sail against the wind at the lowest possible angle.
    -Orzar: When we turn it over, change direction.
    -Demora: The address to which an object is located.
    -Amura: Midpoint of the ship between the bow and through it.
    -Aleta: The direction perpendicular to the side of the ship.
    -Bordada: Road traveled by a sailboat.
  • How to sail against the wind?
    Depending on where the wind comes from, we have to act differently:
    -If the wind enters through the stern (from behind) it is enough to deploy the sails perpendicular to the direction of the wind, forming a right angle.
    -If the wind enters the bow (ahead) to get against the wind, the key is to navigate in zigzag.
  • What clothes to wear for sailing?
    -Comfortable clothes that can get wet.
    -Anti-slip shoes
    - Shorts in case of warm weather
    -Neoprene if it is in winter season
    - Life jackets (usually the owner of the boat has them)
  • Tips for your first day sailing
    - Dress as previously indicated
    - Be especially careful with ropes and sails, to avoid possible hand damage.
    - Look for a fastening point on the ship.
    - I don't carry your cell phone inside the boat
    - Always follow the employer's instructions and ask questions if you do not understand.

    If you feel like feeling free and breathing fresh air, I advise you to sign up to sail, learn to navigate and experience new sensations, you will learn new concepts to master a sailing ship.
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