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Atlantic crossing by boat

Discover the selection of crossings to Cross the Atlantic by Sailboat
Have you ever dreamed of crossing the Atlantic by sailboat? With Sailwiz it is possible. If you have an adventurous spirit, you love the sea and living with new people, the Atlantic Crossing is for you. Live a journey from Europe to America, or vice versa, where you can enjoy every day the wonders that the ocean offers us and share exciting memories with other crew members. Join an experience that you will never forget.
15 Atlantic crossings
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Upcoming Atlantic crossings
Experience Inicio Plazas Price
Adventure crossing the Atlantic on a new catamaran!
From 30 Oct to 22 Nov
30 Oct
24 days
0 More information No availability
Canary-Caribbean Atlantic crossing + Advanced sextant course
From 3 Nov to 25 Nov
3 Nov
23 days
6 More information Reserve for 4,200€
Atlantic crossing on a catamaran from Lanzarote to Martinique
From 4 Nov to 25 Nov
4 Nov
22 days
6 More information Reserve for 4,275€
Adventure crossing the Atlantic on a new catamaran!
From 6 Nov to 6 Dec
6 Nov
31 days
0 More information No availability
Transatlantic Westbound Luxury Catamaran
From 11 Nov to 10 Dec
11 Nov
30 days
5 More information Reserve for 5,720€
Crossing the Atlantic by catamaran. Canary Islands - Cape Verde - Caribe
From 12 Nov to 12 Dec
12 Nov
31 days
1 More information Reserve for 4,250€
Transatlantic ARC from Canary Islands to the Caribbean
From 16 Nov to 21 Dec
16 Nov
36 days
4 More information Reserve for 4,500€
Arc Gran Canaria Regatta - St Lucia
From 20 Nov to 17 Dec
20 Nov
28 days
6 More information Reserve for 5,000€
Canary-Caribbean Atlantic crossing by catamaran
From 23 Nov to 13 Dec
23 Nov
21 days
2 More information Reserve for 4,500€
Atlantic crossing - 2024: From Cape Verde to the Caribbean
From 23 Nov to 18 Dec
23 Nov
26 days
4 More information Reserve for 2,600€
Atlantic crossing 2024
From 28 Nov to 21 Dec
28 Nov
24 days
0 More information No availability
Trip to the New World
From 2 Jan to 19 Jan (2025)
2 Jan
18 days
6 More information Reserve for 2,550€
North Atlantic crossing in a single cabin
From 12 Jan to 16 Feb (2025)
12 Jan
36 days
0 More information No availability
Stage 1: Crossing Gran Canarias to Cape Verde in a single cabin
From 12 Jan to 19 Jan (2025)
12 Jan
8 days
1 More information Reserve for 1,500€
North Atlantic crossing in a single cabin
From 12 Jan to 23 Jan (2025)
12 Jan
12 days
0 More information No availability
Trip to the New World
From 21 Jan to 24 Feb (2025)
21 Jan
35 days
0 More information No availability
North Atlantic crossing in a single cabin
From 24 Jan to 16 Feb (2025)
24 Jan
24 days
0 More information No availability
Trip to the New World
From 25 Feb to 5 Mar (2025)
25 Feb
9 days
0 More information No availability
Trip to the New World
From 6 Mar to 14 Mar (2025)
6 Mar
9 days
0 More information No availability
Trip to the New World
From 15 Mar to 27 Mar (2025)
15 Mar
13 days
1 More information Reserve for 2,900€
Trip to the New World
From 30 Mar to 7 May (2025)
30 Mar
39 days
5 More information Reserve for 6,100€
Transatlantic Eastbound Sail Antigua – UK
From 5 May to 10 Jun (2025)
5 May
37 days
8 More information Reserve for 3,320€
NYYC Transatlantic Race from Newport, Rhode Island
From 13 Jun to 18 Jul (2025)
13 Jun
36 days
10 More information Reserve for 5,060€
Show all dates
Frequent questions
  • ⭐ Is it necessary to plan the route to Cross the Atlantic?
    Sailing across the Atlantic is a high-seas sailing activity and, therefore, it is essential to plan the route to minimize setbacks and navigate with favorable winds and currents.
  • ✅ What is the best time to cross the Atlantic?
    The best time to cross the Atlantic by sailboat from Europe or Africa to the American continent is between the months of October and January, coinciding with the arrival of the Trade Winds and the low season of hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • ⌚ How long does it take to cross the Atlantic by sailboat?
    The transatlantic crossing can last between 15 and 30 days, depending on the capabilities of the ship and the route they intend to take.
  • ⚡ Is it dangerous to cross the Atlantic by sailboat?
    The main danger involved in crossing the Atlantic by sailboat are tropical storms and hurricanes. For this reason, the crossing is always carried out once the hurricane season ends, to avoid the risk of encountering these meteorological phenomena.
  • ✍ Do I need experience to cross the Atlantic by boat?
    It is not necessary that you have specific nautical skills to embark on an Atlantic crossing, although it is advisable to have some experience in navigation.
  • ➡️ How much does it cost to cross the Atlantic by sailboat?
    As you can see in Sailwiz, the price of the Atlantic Crossing varies depending on the type of ship and what is included in the package, although in general, the tickets usually start at 1,000 euros.
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  • If you have always dreamed of crossing the Atlantic but have never dared, this is the time to make it happen. You just need to enjoy the adventure and some time (around a month) to cross the Atlantic by sailboat.
  • Crossing the Atlantic by boat: start of the season

    The season to cross the Atlantic by boat from Europe to America begins when winter begins in Europe, which roughly coincides with the hurricane season in the Atlantic. Crowds of ships and navigators depart each year to cross the ocean and reach the Caribbean coast. This crossing requires great preparation and planning by the ship's skipper, since it is a long day at sea without touching land and it is necessary to prepare the boat properly.

    There are no specific tactics to cross the Atlantic under sail, you just have to follow the basic navigation rules. The necessary supply consists of water, food, fuels and a navigation chart that shows the entire ocean.
  • On what dates do the crossings depart to cross the Atlantic by sail from Europe?

    From the month of November is when most of the boats from Europe that will take advantage of the season in the Caribbean usually leave. It is in this month when the hurricane season is over and the crossing is safer.
  • From which ports do you leave to cross the Atlantic?

    Most of the ships that cross the Atlantic leave from the coasts of southern Spain and Portugal, from the Canary Islands, Madeira or Cape Verde.

    The Canary Islands is the natural port of departure for this crossing since from there we can take advantage of the trade winds that will push us towards the Caribbean coast.
  • What itinerary do the Atlantic crossings that leave Europe follow?

    The usual route of the crossings that cross the Atlantic from southern Europe to the Caribbean begin the crossing from the Canary Islands and some stop in Cape Verde, and from there set sail for the Caribbean ports.
  • What are the main dangers in the crossing of the Atlantic?

    The main danger of crossing the Atlantic by sailboat is tropical storms and hurricanes. That's why you always travel once the hurricane season ends, to avoid the risk of encountering these weather phenomena.

    The route from Europe to the Caribbean is usually more comfortable since when the route near Ecuador is transcribed, the temperature is smoother during the whole trip.
  • How is tall navigation across the Atlantic?

    The crossing of the Atlantic is a high navigation activity in which it is essential to plan the route to minimize the chances of finding bad weather. It is also important to trace the itinerary to be able to navigate with favorable winds and currents.
  • What dates do the Atlantic crossings depart from the Caribbean to Europe?

    The crossing of the Atlantic starting from the Caribbean to Europe usually takes place between the months of April and June.
  • What itinerary do the Atlantic crossings that leave the Caribbean follow?

    The usual route of crossing the Atlantic from the Caribbean to Europe is the Bermuda, the Azores and from there they reach the continental ports.
  • How much fuel is needed to cross the Atlantic?

    Normally a larger fuel reserve is needed on crossings departing from the Caribbean to Europe, since the Azores Anticyclone in summer can cause an absence of wind to navigate.

    If you want more information, check out our blog article: Crossing the Atlantic by sailboat

    Do not hesitate to ask us for more information, crossing the Atlantic by sailboat will be an incredible experience.
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