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Hi, I'm Oliver!
Man, 51 years old
35 reviews
About me
I am passionate about the sea, and although my profession is a lawyer, whenever I can I sail on my Hunter 28 sailboat, and I would love to share my passion for sailing with other people who do not have a boat and want to learn to sail or simply enjoy sailing. coastal areas along the Huelva coastline.
I speak Spanish (native)
Nautical experience
I have been sailing for 5 years on my own sailboat, Hunter 28, dispatched for six people, through the south of Portugal, the entire Huelva coast, Rio Piedra, Guadiana, etc.
Nautical qualifications
  • Capitán de Yate
  • Patrón Profesional de Embarcación de Recreo
  • Operador General de Radio
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Skills and interests
  • Fishing
  • DIY
  • Diving
  • Sailing
  • Paddle surf
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  • Professional employer
  • Phone number
  • Email
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