Vilanova 100 Miles Regatta. Train in sailing and compete in a regatta for a whole weekend, experiencing all the emotions and intensity of the best Mediterranean regattas, dedicated to training and participation in regattas aboard our 34-foot 2019 sailboat optimized for racing competition with the comfort of a cruise. Suitable for all levels.
During the 100-mile regatta, we will cover all the sailing techniques so that you can enjoy the most exciting races, improving your sailing skills or testing and training the ones you already have, perfecting them in real situations and experiencing an unforgettable weekend full of emotions.
The race will be sailed in the Golf de Sant Jordi, reaching the Casablanca platform and passing by the Tortosa lighthouse near the Ebro delta.
Regular participation in regattas will lead you to:
Improve the speed of any sailboat.
Know the racing rules and tactics.
Know the techniques of each crew position on a sailboat.
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