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Course offered by Toni

26 weeks
Available in Spanish
In the Yacht Skipper distance course you have all the updated resources and materials, presented in a well-structured and enjoyable way, so that you can successfully prepare and easily pass the Yacht Skipper theoretical exam.

The distance learning online Yacht Skipper course includes:

Teaching materials:
It includes all the necessary teaching material and the manuals that develop the official program to pass the exam.

Virtual school:
An online school where you will find:
– The extensive development of all the theoretical parts of the 4 theoretical units, in a well-structured and didactic way.
– Access to the course from any device, be it a computer, a tablet or a mobile phone.
– Videos, lasting more than 8 hours, concise and short. The tutorial videos develop the different parts of the syllabus and explain the resolution, step by step, of different real questions asked in the official exams.
– The official exams given in the autonomous communities, from the years 2015 to the current year 2024, of Andalusia, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid, Murcia, the Basque Country and the Valencia Community.
– Access is for a period of 6 months, with the possibility of extending it for another additional 6 months, free of charge.

Includes 2 applications to practice exam tests:
To pass the official PY exam, it is very important that you take many tests and this way you will develop skills and become familiar with the questions that you will encounter on the day of your exam.
In this course you have two ways to practice taking the official exam tests.
The first is through “Exams” and the second is through “Practice test.”
The difference between the two is that in “Exams”, you can choose between doing the “Navigation Module” or the “Generic Module”. You will practice with all the 20 questions of the official exam, from a specific exam, that is, from an autonomous community, given the exam in a year and in a specified month.
While in "Practice Test", you have the possibility of taking a test on only one of the 4 topics that make up the official CY exam. You must choose an autonomous community, in a specific year. You will choose, for example, to practice with all the Murcia Meteorology questions from 2022, or you can choose to do all the Madrid Navigation Theory questions from 2021.
In addition, you can create yourself some questionnaires for errors, in a very simple way, of the questions that you have not been able to get correctly, so that you can practice with them.

Online tutor:
Assistance from a tutor to resolve your doubts by email about the theory and problems solved in the course.
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  • Plan
    Here you have the entire structure and what you have in the PY course:
    1. Of interest
    1A. Yacht Skipper Title
    In “Yacht Skipper Title”, you have interesting information about the exam, conditions to obtain the title and mandatory practices.
    When you finish, at the bottom left, you have the link “Exit and return to the course”. Clicking on it takes you back to the main navigation screen.

    1 B. Structure and contents of the online Yacht Captain course.
    In “Structure and contents of the online Yacht Skipper course”, you have the way to move through this course. The different browsers and menus, and where to find the content you are looking for.

    1 C. Necessary material for the Yacht Skipper course
    To prepare for the exam, you will need:
    – The letter from the Strait of Gibraltar. You have it for download and to make copies in any stationery store in A3 format.
    – Angle protractor, square, bevel, pencil, eraser and calculator.

    1D. Previous knowledge. Calculator handling
    To successfully solve navigation problems and pass the Yacht Skipper exam, it is essential to know how to use the calculator well. The calculator you use must have trigonometric functions and must not be programmable.
    This course is taken using the Casio fx-82SX or the Casio fx-82MS calculator.
    In this section I explain in detail:
    1st. Check that the angle unit is set to DEG.
    2nd. Decimal to sexagesimal conversion.
    3rd. Trigonometric functions.

    1E. Official exam calls
    In “Official exam calls”, you have the different calls for the official PY exam for this year, in the different autonomous communities.

    1F. Useful preparation tips to pass the Yacht Skipper exam
    In “Useful tips for passing the Yacht Skipper exam”, you have interesting information that will help you pass the official PY exam in the autonomous community where you are taking the exam.

    1G. Interesting information
    You have different questions and answers about doubts about the application of Royal Decree 875/2014, of October 10, which regulates nautical qualifications for the government of recreational boats.

    2A. Course theory in pdf format
    You have the theory of the course in pdf format to download and print.

    2B. Gibraltar Strait Chart
    You have the chart of the Strait of Gibraltar in jpg format, to download and print.

    2 C. Navigation Exams
    You have the navigation exams from 2015 to 2024, grouped by autonomous communities in pdf format to download and print.
    You have the exams from Andalusia, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid, Murcia, the Basque Country and the Valencia Community.

    2D. Generic exams
    You have the generic module exams from 2015 to 2024, grouped by autonomous communities in pdf format to download and print.
    You have the exams from Andalusia, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid, Murcia, the Basque Country and the Valencia Community.

    2E. Tide Yearbook
    You have the "Tide Yearbooks" in pdf format to download and print.

    3. Exams
    3A. Generic module
    In “Exams” in “Generic Module” you have to choose a 20-question questionnaire test so that you can practice the “Safety at sea” and “Meteorology” part of the official exams given in the different autonomous communities.
    You will be able to choose from an autonomous community, in a year and in a specified month.
    You can also choose to ask all the questions from the Safety at Sea module or the Meteorology module from a specific year.
    When you finish, you will be able to see the correct answers you have made.

    3B. Navigation module
    In “Exams” in “Navigation Module” you have to choose Test with 20-question questionnaires so that you can practice the “Navigation Theory” or “Charter Navigation” part of the official exams given in the different autonomous communities.
    You will be able to choose from an autonomous community, in a year and in a specified month.
    You can also choose to ask all the questions in the Navigation Theory module for a specific year.
    When you finish, you will be able to see the correct answers you have made.

    4. Generic Module
    Unit 1. Safety at sea
    1.1. Transverse Stability
    Transverse Stability Video
    Compilation of exam questions 1.1. Transverse Stability I
    Detailed resolution
    1.2. Safety equipment
    Compilation of exam questions 1.2. Safety equipment I
    Detailed resolution
    1.3. Abandonment of the vessel
    1.4. Maritime Rescue
    Compilation of exam questions Unit 1. Safety at sea I
    Detailed resolution
    Compilation of exam questions Unit 1. Safety at sea II
    Detailed resolution

    Unit 2. Meteorology
    2.1. Isobars
    Compilation of exam questions 2.1. Isobars I
    Video: Isobars
    2.2. Fronts, Storms and Anticyclones
    Compilation of exam questions 2.2. Fronts, storms and anticyclones I
    Video: Fronts, storms and anticyclones
    23. Wind
    Compilation of exam questions 2.3. Winds I
    Video: Euler, Coriolis, geostrophic, cyclostrophic and antitryptic wind
    Video: Winds of the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic
    2.4. Humidity
    Compilation of exam questions 2.4. Humidity I
    Video: Humidity
    2.5. Clouds
    Compilation of exam questions 2.5. Clouds I
    2.6. Mists
    Compilation of exam questions 2.6. Mists I
    2.7. Waves
    Compilation of exam questions 2.7. Waves I
    2.8. Ocean currents

    5. Navigation Module
    Unit 3. Navigation theory
    3.1. Terrestrial Sphere
    Video: The celestial sphere - Equator, meridians and parallels
    Compilation of Terrestrial Sphere I exam questions
    3.2. Total correction
    3.3 Directions
    Video: The directions
    Video: Convert quadrantal and circular headings
    3.4. Nautical publications
    3.5. Timing
    Video about measuring time
    3.6. Radar
    Video Radar
    Radar questions for reso
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Other information
Continuation of the course structure:
3.6. Radar
Video Radar
Radar questions to solve
3.7. GNSS
Compilation of GNSS I exam questions
Detailed resolution
3.8. Electronic letters
Compilation of electronic letters exam questions I
3.9. AIS
Compilation of Navigation Theory I exam questions
Solutions compilation I

Unit 4. Chart navigation
4.1. Total correction
Video: Total correction calculation in an opposition
Solved exercise total correction calculation with magnetic declination and deviation
Solved exercise Ct calculation with the dm and deviation table
4.2. Courses and distances
Video: the effect of wind on a boat
Exercise to solve 14 Catalonia 2021 July: Ra with wind
Exercise to solve 13 Canary Islands 2021 October Ra calculation with wind and 2 radar distances
Exercise to solve: Valencia 17, June 2021
Exercise to solve 14 Valencia 2022 February: Ra with wind
Exercise to solve 13 Asturias 2020 June: Ra with wind
Exercise to solve 31-32 and 33 Murcia March 2023 with Polar azimuth and Ct, Ra and Vessel speed

4.3. Position lines. Situation for two simultaneous lines
Video: position calculation by cutting 2 delays
Exercise to solve 18 Lanzarote November 2022 position calculation by 2 needle delays and one opposition
Exercise to solve 37 Murcia March 2024: position calculation by opposition and true delay
4.4. Position lines. Situation due to two non-simultaneous lines
Exercise to solve 31 Murcia 2018 March: I calculate the situation due to 2 non-simultaneous delays at the same point
Exercise to solve 14 Barcelona 2022 July: I calculate the situation due to 2 non-simultaneous delays at the same point
Exercise to solve 38 Madrid 2022 June: I calculate the situation due to delays and non-simultaneous dialing at the same point
4.5. Known current
Exercise to solve 17 Barcelona 2022 July: Estimated situation calculation with current and wind
Video resolution
Exercise to solve 15 Valencia 2023 March: Time to reach a point and Rv with current
Exercise to solve 18 Valencia 2023 March: Rv calculation with current and wind
Exercises to solve 31, 32 and 33 Murcia June 2023: Ra and HRB arrival at a point with current
Exercise to solve 38 Galicia March 2022: HRB calculation in opposition to current
Exercise to solve 33 Basque Country 2021 November: Calculation of effective course with current
Exercise to solve 17 Tenerife June 2021: Rc and Ihc calculation
Exercise to solve: 14 Andalusia 2021 May calculation Ra with Polar azimuth
Exercise to solve December 38 Galicia 2020: Calculation of machine speed with current
Exercise to solve 36 Galicia July 2020: Ra calculation with current and wind
4.6. Unknown current
Video: I calculate current direction and hourly intensity of an unknown current. Resolution 35 Palma 2020 December Model B
Exercise to solve 16 Valencia November 2023: Rc and Ihc calculation with wind
4.7. Esteem situation. Graphic resolution
Exercise to solve 14 Alicante 2024 February: with lines, radar distance and wind
Exercise to solve 12 Canary Islands 2021 October: Position of an HRB in opposition with radar distance and wind
4.8. Loxodromic defeat. Analytical resolution
Video: Direct esteem. Resolution 37 Barcelona 2020 December
Video: Indirect esteem. Resolution 34 Madrid 2020 December Test 01
Exercise to solve: 20 Andalucia October 2023 inverse and direct estimation
Exercise to solve: 37 Palma April 2022 calculation Rv to go from 3 miles to the Sv of a point and time to invest
Video: Estimate in various directions. Resolution 33 Ibiza 2020 December Model A
Exercise to solve 19 Tenerife 2021 June
Exercise to solve 35 Palma 2022 April analytically calculate the arrival situation
Exercise to solve: Andalucia June 20, 2022 direct and inverse estimation
Exercise to solve: 19 Andalucia November 2021 direct estimate
Exercise to solve: 18 Andalucia November 2021 indirect estimate
Exercise to solve: Barcelona December 19, 2022 apartment calculation
4.9. Tides
Direct tide calculation exercise - 16 Valencia 2021 June
Video: Calculation of direct tide
Direct tide calculation exercise: probe at a given moment - Alicante 20 June 2022
Reverse tide calculation exercise - 15 Valencia 2021 June
Video: Reverse Tide Calculation
Exercise to solve question 13 Catalonia 2021 July direct tide calculation
Reverse tide calculation exercise - Gran Canaria 11 June 2021
Exercise to solve question 19 Andalusia 2019 April direct tide calculation
Exercise to solve question 38 Catalonia 2019 July reverse tide calculation
Exercise to solve question 18 Andalusia 2019 April reverse tide calculation

- Complete teaching material for the course.
- Access to the virtual nautical school for 6 months.
- Includes 2 applications to practice exam tests.
- Assistance from a tutor to resolve your doubts.

Does not include:
- Basic safety and navigation practices (48 hours)
- Management and exam registration fees (according to autonomous community)
- Management and fees for the degree process (To be carried out once the exam has been passed).
- Psychotechnical certificate necessary for the issuance process of the title (it is not necessary to do so if your PER degree is less than 2 years old).

Why are you interested in taking this distance learning online PY course?
Due to the large amount of content included in this course:

You can see everything that this course includes below, at:
«Structure and contents of the course»
For the quality of the videos:

The videos for Patrón de Yate are a reference.
In this course, you have a large number of quality tutorial videos, all very elaborate and concise, which will be a basic tool so that you understand the entire Yacht Skipper syllabus well and arrive well prepared for the exam.
For the own images used in the course:

To properly understand the concepts developed in PY, it is necessary to have precise and clear drawings. We have developed many graphic aids, with our own drawings, to make it easy for you to understand what you are studying.
You can see the quality of these drawings, below, in:
«Here you can see the quality of the images used in the online course»
From the opinions: it is one of the best valued. We are a benchmark in seriousness and professionalism in Spain.
We have a 5 star review
For the years of development of this course:

This online course continues to grow and develop continuously, since it was created in 2016, when the new regulations for nautical qualifications came into force, which is the one currently in force.
For continuously updated material:

The course is continually updated, with new videos, improved theory, new solved exam questions and the official exams from the latest calls.

Advantage of this online course over a face-to-face one
You do not depend on a schedule or a specific study space, you can adapt your study to your pace of life.

Accessible material:
You only need a computer, tablet or mobile phone and an Internet connection.
You will have the theory printed, if you want to study or consult it without having to be connected.
You do not need books or other manuals, so you will always have all the content at your fingertips, at any time or place.

You do not need to travel to a physical school:
You will save time and money, since you will not use the car or public transport, avoiding the expense it entails, and the environmental impact it produces.

A tutor at your disposal:
To resolve questions by email that may arise during the study of the Patrón de Yate syllabus.
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Meet Toni, the coordinator
26 reviews At Sailwiz since 2018
I am a professional Skipper passionate about my work and with 30 years of experience as Skipper and as an Instructor in sailing classes and official practices to obtain Spanish nautical qualifications.
I have sailed more than 185,000 nautical miles, through the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Caribbean, with 5 Atlantic crossings.
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Response rate: 92%
Response time: Less than a day

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5 · 26 reviews

  • IMG_20210714_091052
    June of 2024
    It has been a very good experience, Toni is a seasoned Skipper who transmits his knowledge clearly, both in theory and in practice.
    And as a corollary it makes a wonderful pasta carbonara ;)
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  • avatar
    June of 2024
    Toni is an excellent skipper, his dedication and experience are evident throughout the entire journey. A pleasure to sail and learn on board the sailboat.
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  • avatar
    May of 2024
    Sailing with Toni on his boat has been a success. An unbeatable experience!
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  • avatar
    April of 2024
    Very good treatment and very good training. Very instructive. Highly recommended. The boat is very comfortable and navigable. Spectacular food.
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    Reply from Toni
    Thanks David, a pleasure to have you on board.
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  • msg8847572-200070
    September of 2023
    Incredible experience to learn and continue growing as sailors.
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  • avatar
    June of 2023
    Pleasant and fun practices, Toni is a skipper with a lot of experience, you learn a lot and also teaches you to take responsibilities and decisions from the first moment. Very grateful, without a doubt I will repeat for the Captain's practices. Thank you very much Tony!
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  • Start: 29 Jul. MTWThFSaSu from 00:00 to 00:00 (2025)
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    Confirmed, 10 places available
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Response rate: 92%
Response time: Less than a day
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