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Hi, I'm Antonio!
Man, 56 years old · Madrid, España
4 reviews
About me
I love being able to share my experiences lived at sea with other people, through navigation.
I speak Spanish (native)
Nautical experience
I am a Professional Skipper, operator and instructor of the global maritime distress and safety system.

In this year 2022, I was sailing around the EGADE islands, in addition to doing different charters around the Balearic Islands.

I am part of the crew of the sailboat that is going around the world, following the same defeat that Elcano did (AGNYEE In the wake of Elcano)

Participate in two editions of the Stella Oceani (navigation only with the stars, without the help of electronics). Assuming the responsibility of locating the position and navigation of the ship, using only the sextant.

I have carried out transfers of large sailboats, one of the last was a 54-foot sailboat, from Tenerife to Mallorca

I have sailed across the Atlantic twice.

In 2019 I participated in the regatta as Trimer of Génova, in the Reyna Cup.

I have sailed through the Mediterranean, Cantabrian, Atlantic and Pacific. I am waiting for a stage assignment to navigate the Indian Ocean.
Nautical qualifications
  • Capitán de Yate
  • Patrón Profesional de Embarcación de Recreo
  • Operador General de Radio
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Skills and interests
  • Fishing
  • Sailing
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  • Professional employer
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