If you have already sailed or have a nautical qualification and are thinking about being responsible for your own nautical experience on board or learning everything that comes with leading a voyage, this is your workshop!
Take the next step to become responsible and skipper of the sailboat. In this training through Rías Baixas from Vigo, you will learn to skipper, organize the voyage and the crew, and do everything necessary so that your next crew has the experience of their life.
It is not necessary to have a nautical qualification, but you do need to know the basic nautical language and, above all, be eager to learn every day.
We will practice during the Workshop:
-Entry/Exit and maneuvers in port
-Advanced sail trimming
-Motor/sail anchoring
-Accommodation between ships
-Passage planning
-Weather analysis and routing
-Navigation with little and a lot of wind
-Efficiency in navigation maneuvers
-POB maneuvers and castaway rescue
-Night navigation and guard management
-Calculation of tides and currents
-Simulation of emergency situations
-Regatta simulation
-Continuous improvement through UX System
-Lead, enjoy, share and learn from the crew
Due to last year's success, this year we have two dates, one with 2 sailboats (Elan 45 and Elan 40) and another with 2 sailboats (2x Elan 45). The students will be distributed on each sailboat based on the needs to balance levels of nautical experience.
You sign up? Don't think twice and reserve your place!
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