The trip can be booked by seat, full cabin or entire boat. Likewise, it is possible to book the OUTWARD, RETURN or both. Prices include taxes, insurance, skipper, fuel, food on board and port fees.
IDA square: 1800 euros.
VUELTA Square: 2000 euros.
ROUND TRIP: 3200 euros.
Full cabin: A 50% surcharge will be applied to the base price (one way, return or return). Full boat: If you are interested in the expedition for a closed group, please consult us for conditions and availability of dates to organize your group and your expedition. From 10,000 euros.
The planned dates may be subject to change for justified reasons (weather, technical capabilities, etc.). These changes will be duly notified so that the necessary changes and adjustments can be made. The cabins can accommodate up to two people per bunk, assuming that the cabin is shared by up to two people. You can always book the entire cabin or, in the case of married couples, couples, acquaintances and similar, notify the team so that they can conveniently organise the space on board.
Our team reserves the right to make operational decisions related to navigation, taking into account aspects such as (among others): motor navigation due to lack of wind or various conditions, modification of the navigation plan, visit or stop at secondary ports along the route, cancellation of the expedition due to adverse conditions, on-board guidelines for passengers for reasons of safety and/or coexistence, etc.
This is a type of offshore navigation, although no previous experience is necessary. Each crew member collaborates with the tasks in which they wish to be involved.
A minimum number of registered crew members is required to confirm the departure.
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