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Coastal Skipper Course

RYA Coastal Skipper course in the best nautical schools
If you have navigation knowledge and want to expand your nautical certification , the RYA Coastal Skipper course is the best option to learn new navigation techniques both day and night.
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Place Inicio Plazas Price
Baiona, Pontevedra
From 9 Sep to 13 Sep
9 Sep
5 days
5 More information Reserve for 900€
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Frequent questions
  • ⭐ What is the Coastal Skipper course?
    The Coastal Skipper course is designed for aspiring skippers with a basic sailing experience. The course will provide skills and techniques to steer a sailboat on coastal crossings by day and by night.
  • ➡️ Is it necessary to have previous navigation experience?
    Yes, before doing this course it is essential to have previously sailed for at least fifteen days, 2 of them as skipper, having traveled a minimum of 300 nautical miles and 8 hours at night.
  • ✍ Does the Coastal Skipper course have a theory exam?
    It is advisable to take the theoretical course "Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore" to acquire the necessary knowledge about navigation, nautical charts, regulations, etc.
  • ✅ Is there a minimum age to take the Coastal Skipper course?
    The minimum age to take the RYA Day Skipper course is 17 years old. In the case of not being of legal age, you must carry an authorization signed by your parents or legal guardians.
  • ❗ How long is the RYA Coastal Skipper course?
    The Royal Yachting Association's Coastal Skipper course lasts a minimum of 5 days, in which students will learn to plan a voyage, prepare the boat, steer the wheel and act as a skipper.
  • ⚡ How much does the Coastal Skipper course cost?
    The price of the RYA Coastal Skipper course varies widely. The difference depends on the area, the time of year and the prestige of the school, among others.
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  • Who is the Coastal Skipper course for?

    The RYA Coastal Skipper course is aimed at sailors who already have considerable knowledge and who have sailed at least 15 days, 2 of them being the skipper, and who already have at least 300 miles sailed and 8 hours of night sailing. It would be the equivalent of the titles of Recreational Boat Skipper (PER) or Yacht Skipper in Spain.

    Before taking this course the RYA, the previous training of the theoretical course "Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore" is recommended, which includes learning about nautical charts, tides, use of almanacs and nautical publications, electronic navigation, meteorology, collision prevention and notions on international regulations on customs and nautical regulations.
  • What is the content of the Coastal Skipper course?

    The Royal Yachting Association Coastal Skipper course is composed of the following contents:
    • Coastal crossings by day and by night, with a high level of demand.
    • Maneuvering the sailboat in different weather conditions.
    • Passage planning.
    • Preparation of the sailboat to go sailing.
    • Make a journey with skills as a Skipper.
    • Maneuvers of the sailboat.
    • Piloting during the day and night, the direction of the boat, security and emergency situations.
    • Navigation in bad weather.
  • What is the duration of the Coastal Skipper course?

    The RYA Day Skipper course is characterized by having a minimum duration of five days , during which the students will learn to plan a journey, prepare the boat, take the helm and act as skipper of the boat both by motor and by sail. Students will also prepare to navigate in bad weather conditions and handle different emergency situations.

    On the other hand, the minimum age required to take this Royal Yachting Association course is 17 years old.
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